Friday, October 31, 2008

Gator hunt

Just wanted to post the pic's of the 10'7 gator that Mark & is Uncle Chet got last nite on the Wacissa River
My cat had to get up and see what it was on the boat, she did not act scared at all, I reakon she knew he was dead dead..
Yuk! How'd you like to meet him on the river, Mark said that they had got him in a place on the river where he had let me fall in the water, he said I fell, but he let me go as I was getting on the boat.
Mark and his Uncle Chet, when they got home with the creature.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Goose Pasture Camping 10/08-6

You could tell when it was getting late as all the little ones started looking for mama or daddy's laps. When they did they dropped like flies..
2 down

3 down

4 down. James pulled a double duty. I think I had seen his eye's closed at one time, so he probably did not mind.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

This is Layla Hay she is 2 and she was our entertainment while camping at Goose Pasture. All you had to do was look at her and she would smile the biggest smile. She also kept us in shape by making us do jumping jacks, well maybe some of us..
The warwolf is Jessie also pictured is Alisa, Kirsten, Sarah and Layla, not pictured is Macy, she would not get in the picture with the warwolf. These were the best kids all weekend, never heard the first one cry.
Smily holding payday.

Sarah and Smily (Layla)

Goose Pasture Campint 10/08-5

Mark and I was headed back to Goose after our Slave Canal adventure, when he yelled for me to throw out the anchor. Which I did, not knowing why. He had found a piece of drift wood he wanted to put in our water garden at home. When it came time to retrieve the anchor, it was stuck. Guess who had to go and get it?

Thank goodness I did not sink to my waist in mud.. But I sure was looking for critters.

Awe Ha, got it. But when I picked the anchor up, the boat started to float away. I was holding on for dear life when all Mark could do is laugh (reakon he knew the boat would leave once I picked up the anchor, so he was camera ready!

And all for this! But it looks great in my water garden.....

Goose Pasture Camping 10/08-4

Duck and Ruby clearing the way
Look close, Sarah had the safe seat under Daddy in the bottom of the boat as we made our way toward the Slave Canal. We'll call these two the DS girls. ( I think Janice is just as hooked on the game, she said that she had lost Sarah's, but found it the day after she bought her a new one).

Mark polling us along, we went down mostly backwards, due to our boat does not turn like most of our friends boats do. Anyone that has drove our boat totally understands!!!

Duck and Ruby still clearing the way. Thank you Duck and Ruby! Of course I missed the shot where Duck was cutting a limb in the water and the chain saw shot water all over ruby.

Goose Pasyure 10/08-3

Awe, how sweet James and Daniel
Mark, Lydia, Candice and Ben

Paul and Kim came to visist, glad they did

Miss Drama Queen, showing Mama and April something.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Goose Pasture Campint 10/08-2

Goose pasture Janice, Goat (Duck's sister), Ms. Zelda and me, taking a break from cooking fish and gator for everyone. Me and Janice started to panic when we seen how many people showed up, but we managed anyways.
Mark, Dale and Duck just chillin. They were probably watching our little Drama Queen's Layla and Macy, cause they sure kep us laughing all weekend.

Layla talking to duck, no tellen what she was talking about. She was probably trying to get him up to do some jumping jacks.

Ben had put his glasses on top of Lydia's and wanted a pic, she did not!!

Goose Pasture 10/08-2

Lydia being double teamed by Ben and Scooter, she did not want her pick taken

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Goose Pasture Camping 10/08-1

Ben & Ruby cutting the rug. We can always count on ben to get the party started, and if he don't then Lydia will.
Ben had to throw in some of his fancy moves.. Hang on Ruby! Of course she was telling him if he dropped her she would kick his *#% when she was able to get back up.
Ben and Lydia, How low can you go....

Ben lost all of his dance partners

Monday, October 13, 2008

Huge Water Moccasin

Morhens, Lizzard

Hot July Day

All tied up in Blue
Mark & Dale in the shade while Ruby pulls Janice around on the float
Mark and PayDay in the Shade
Found a shallow clear spot down river Ruby talken BS (gotta watch her real close)(hehehe)

Here gator gator gator