Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Went for a ride Sunday with Payday, she was mad at me so she stayed in her Daddy's Lap..

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It says it all


We were down at Goose Pasture waiting on everyone to meet to go riding and Scratch Off found this armadilla and was playing with it, as you can see her mama wanted to play with it too...
Scratch Off playing with the armadilla, the critter could have cared less that she was pounching all around it.
We later found out the poor thing had been shot. I'm no lover of armadilla's but if you are going to kill something, kill it DEAD!!

Gator Bones

We had seen this gator dead a few months ago, he was hung up in an old troute line. Glen told us that his bones were raped around the log, so me and Mark ran down river to get pics, wished there had been more sun lite left..

This was his head, if you can tell, kinda looks like a sad dog....

My big bass

I caught this 15" Bass a couple of weekends ago..
Duck kept holering for me to hold him away from me so that he would look bigger, but I kinda look like a JK!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Paul's other gator 2007

Paul and Dale got this mamoth gator. He stopped by so that I could get some pics of him. I think he was 11'2, but it was HUGE!!!!
How'd you like to get bite by that..............
Paul's truck is a long wheel base, if you can imagine. See how much room he took up.

See the big hole on top of his head, the bullets from the bang stick were bouncing off. He had to beat it with a hand held pick axe.

Paul Gator 2007

Paul was doing an Indian dance with his tomahawk over the gator
Paul and Mark posing with the gator, after they got him all tied up, me and Kim stayed real high up on the boat.
Paul wanted a little snuggle time with his gator!!

Snakes, Snakes and More Snakes

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

More More Halloween 2008

Ben and Charlotte and Ben and Charlottes Boyfriend (sorry did'nt remember his name)
Sexy Police Woman (Candice) and the Killer Bee dancin it up

Dale and the Grand Dragon

? I think she was looking for a pool shot, not totally sure of that!

More More Halloween 2008

Lydia showing more love (she was the lovenest thing) to the Grand Dragon!
Turtle trying to find the best shot for the Aviator

The Killer Bee trying to set Dale up for the big Sting! OUCH!!!!!

Just havin Fun.................

Found more pics of Halloween 2008

The Grand Dragon doing a pole dance for us... One more Time!! I have no idea what we were looking at..

The Grand Dragon kept a close eye on Joe Dirt. Lydia in the foreground giving Charlotte a hug, or was she holding on for dear life!

I told you she was cheating, by distracting the players!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

To all of our Friends who came to the Halloween Part/Lydia Birthday party we had a great time, as the pictures posted will show. Until next year

The Birthday girl, don't think she was feeling well the next day. She kept trying to mess up the pool players....
The itsy bitsy spider went up the Janice Plain!!!!!

Ben getting ready for that special pool shot (had to throw in some spiffy moves to get it right...

Me and the Grand Dragon getting down on the Dance floor..

Halloween 2008

Candice, our naughty police woman
Dale, The Killer Bee and The Devil, he had his hands full with this trio....

Such a sultry little devil......................

The Ducks. Ahhh are'nt they so cute...

Halloween 2008

Jason (Dr. Jeckle) needs a little more pratice on bring back the dead..
The Killer Bee with her Zappie gun..

I never got to see the bullets that fit in the gun...

Incase you can't read it, we did have ONE responsible Adult can you guess who?

Halloween 2008

Turtle, Me, Ruby and the Fluzzie posing (or trying to pose)
The Aviator flew in to see us. You lost that lovin feelin, you lost that loving feelin, You lost that lovin feelin now it's gone, gone gone, Whooo OOO

I definetly like him with out the Joe Dirt wig better!!

Ahhhh! The Devil and the Angel, (should they be reversed Vote YES or NO ___ ___ Check only one...

Halloween 2008

The Bro's Joe Dirt and Wyatt Earp Joe dirt trying to pole dance. I have'nt seen it done that way before, don't know if it was the stripes, the pose, the hair or the no sock thing, but damn!!!!
Oh Yeah!!! Wonder if Dale knew this was going to happen!!!

The Duck and Miss Fluzzie pole dancing.. Lookin good Duck!!!