Dale Brumbly had just bought this six wheel thingy and Paul offered to take Ruby, Tammy and myself riding one nite. It will go very fast on land. If Paul tells you to hang on, HANG ON, cause he is fixing to turn and sling the dickens out of ya. After he rode us on land, he takes off to the river. Headed down the airboat path to the river, where it is very snakie. We hit the water, it was pretty cool, until Paul notices that we are sitting a little too low in the water. So he starts to turn and head for land. Of course there is nothing but trees where he is headed, so as he is climbing a tree. Come to find out, he had pulled the plug out to let it drain from his previous adventure and forgot to put it back in, sooooo we were sinking! At this point, I took the opportunity to BAIL OUT!

Then Ruby bails.............

Then Tammy bails, Duck finally came to help rescue us girls. He said he figured somthing was up when he seen the head lights shooting up the tree.

Just another well ended adventure.