Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Scratch off and the Crawfish, who will win, actually the crawfish finally got tired so Ruby put it back in the ditch.
Janice and Sarah on Oneil Tram Road, we were headed back to Wacissa and ran into James and Theresa, who were on their way to find us. We parked in the road until after dark and chatted with them.

Janice trying to hold on to the jeep, did'nt know if it was her leg hurting (Dale ran over it, but it's ok, she's had about every injury you can think of) or the Lemonshine. We decided to start a poll to see who could guess what she will injure next.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad I have such good friends, they can actually keep up with the injury of the week, I about loose track myself. 40" groundhawg VS leg didn't work out to well for me. Janice
