Monday, October 26, 2009

Dale, Janice, Sarah, Mark and myself went to goose camping this weekend. Friday, we decided to do some off roading in the Jeeps, while we were waiting on Duck and Ruby to arrive. We got to a tree down and the off road started. As you can barely see the Jeep. Dale had walked through to try and find away around the tree, he did, I had to move into the middle, trying not to get slapped by the limbs.

You can see Sarah's head, she knows the safe spot.

Our grandkids from Minnisota came to visit. We took the boys to our favorite place, the Wacissa river Saturday evening to fish and they had a great time. This is Cole the middle child, he is so sweet. He fell in love with Janice,
Here, papa is riding Cole and Conner on Dale's 6 wheel thingy, they had so much fun.
Conner had got this small bass on his line, and let Cole reel it in. He is such a good big brother.

Conner was a pro at casting his rod, I was amazed. I figured I would be getting him out of the trees and roots the whole time, but he did great. He did tell me that our worms were better than their Minnisota worms, cause he caught more fish that he usually did at home.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Duck getting some hug time with Lydia down at the catfish hole. Sarah snoozing away by the fire. Bless her heart, she is one tuff cookie to hang with all us BIGGER KIDS.
Catfish nite at the catfish hole..

Diesel, he's as bad as Sarah about sleeping anywhere....

Monday, October 19, 2009

This is a big catfish I cought fishing on the Aucilla River with one of my die hard friends Ruby.
This is my other die hard friend, when she ain't kicked to the curb. We were fishing on the Aucilla River one nite and decided to bring the grills and cook. Janice is an awsome cook. She found this little $2.00 grill and it cooked just great.
Me and Janice trying to get a catfish off the hook.

Yikes! Came across this rattle snake on goose road.

This is Log Spring, it was beautiful this summer. This spring is just before you turn into Big Blue and is up a long winding creek to get to it, but it is well worth the obstacle's to see it.

Dale Brumbly had just bought this six wheel thingy and Paul offered to take Ruby, Tammy and myself riding one nite. It will go very fast on land. If Paul tells you to hang on, HANG ON, cause he is fixing to turn and sling the dickens out of ya. After he rode us on land, he takes off to the river. Headed down the airboat path to the river, where it is very snakie. We hit the water, it was pretty cool, until Paul notices that we are sitting a little too low in the water. So he starts to turn and head for land. Of course there is nothing but trees where he is headed, so as he is climbing a tree. Come to find out, he had pulled the plug out to let it drain from his previous adventure and forgot to put it back in, sooooo we were sinking! At this point, I took the opportunity to BAIL OUT!
Then Ruby bails.............
Then Tammy bails, Duck finally came to help rescue us girls. He said he figured somthing was up when he seen the head lights shooting up the tree.

Just another well ended adventure.

Payday found a new place to ride on our Sunday afternoon rides. The dash board of the truck..
Yeah, it looks like Dale is just sitting there all nonshlaunt, but he is actually stuck. Janice and Sarah got on our boat so he could take off....
This shot was taken on goose pasture road at one of our road parties. Just too pretty to not get a pic of.

Little Miss Perky.......

This was a dirt dobler pulling a spider. ukk. Mark decided to open our already failing unbrella, which turned out to be a goat roping. It just fell apart, so Duck, Ruby and myself starting to try and just close it back up.

We worked and worked trying to get it to close back up.

finally we did get it to close. Not exactly like it should have, but close enough. Of course Mark just stood back laughing and taking pictures.

Sarah and her airboat friends taking a dip. I think she was trying to keep her belly button dry. Mark and me were riding up the log spring creek and came upon this Alligator Turtle, he had a lot of green algae on him.
Sitting at the anchor hole, one of our swimming spots. Last year this was full of grass. We named it anchor hole, cause Ruby found an anchor here.

Took this shot of an Alligator Turtle swimming across the spring in front of Dale's dock.

My mama fishing at Dale's dock, she was the cricket baiter for Daddy, I don't do cricket's, I barly do worms.....
As most of you know, my daddy past away this past August. When we found out that he did not have long to live, due to having cancer. I asked him what he most wanted to do. His answer was to go fishing, so fishing it was. Dale was kind enough to let us fish at his dock. All daddy had to do was sit, I or mama would bait his hook and I would take the fish off. I will treasure those last two fishing trips with my daddy forever.
This was taken on daddy's first fishing trip, my older sister came along with us.

Mark had been sitting in his hottub one morning watching several humming birds comming down to feed on this bottle brush bush. I decided to try and get a pic. It took several tries, cause they are quick little boogers, but finally.