Monday, January 12, 2009

Adventure Ride

These are some of the bottles from the Old Moon Shine Still that we found at the end of the creek. This was the ultimate find for me, I love old things and to go on an adventure ride on a creek that we had never been on and had to cut our way up it and end up parked right in front of this Old Still was just breath taking for me. There were around 12 bottles or so, and as we were leaving Duck found a couple of old cork bottles that were a dark color. I hope to add more on the Moon Shine Still once I try and find out more info on it, so check back, will post when I find out.
This was the cook drum. If you look at the end of the drum you can even see the axe mark that busted the drum once it was found.

This was definetly a rare find and we had a blast on the Adventure to find it.

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