Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Camping Trip

We took two of our Grand Kids Madison and Colby Camping on our property and we were blessed that Dale & Janice and Sarah wanted to come also. We decided to take them fishing at Natural Bridge and as you can see they were more interested in making condos for the worms. But they did have fun.
The Girls running up the hill and Colby playing in the water. They kept asking if they could go swimming at the St. Marks River, were they often do in the summer with their parents, but we tried to tell them it is WINTER and ya can't swim in the winter..
Mark caught this pic of Sarah. Sarah usually gets real mad when you take her picture but sometimes you can sneak one in on her..

Haley my great niece (Leah's daughter) joined us. She was at her grandma's and we picked her up for the trip..

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