Monday, January 19, 2009

All the girls hopped on this log for a hoto shoot and we had to have the pretty pink shovel of Sarah's in the pic too.... We also wanted a pic of our ugly (well most) water boots that we wore. Mark kept snapping the camera of us getting off the log (he just wanted to be camera ready in-case one of us fell!)
Just tracking along on our way back to the trucks (beers were getting low)

Did not find anything, but the woods were awsomely beautiful! And as cold as it was, we did not have to worry about snakes, unless you fliped over logs (as I did) and found a little green snake, of course I don't care what color a snake is, A SNAKE IS A SNAKE AND BETTER OFF DEAD!

1 comment:

  1. I love the cooler shots, as long as we have beer we always manage to amuse ourselves as evidenced again this weekend.
