Tuesday, January 13, 2009

FYI! Moon Shine Still

We had a dear friend that did a little asking on this Moon Shine Still that we discovered. The last time that it was in use was 1958. The Moon Shiners had gotten word that they had been ratted out and it was going to be destroyed, so they never went back. Which was what Mark had said by the looks of the site, the bottles left and the Axe mark in the end of the drum. WOW! I just love history and this to me was a great find.


  1. Neat story to go with the pics, I have had such a good time reading yours and Lydia's post. She is right, it's fun seeing it from different cameras.

  2. That's REALLY cool. It's even more fun to see it when you know the story there. It definitely looked like they left in a hurry.
